Investment year
Lead team
C. Weinberg
A. Wathier
  • Expertise
  • Fund
  • Status
    In portfolio
  • Geographical area
    France / Belgium
  • Business sector

Company overview

Recyc-Matelas Europe is the French leader in the dismantling of mattresses and the recycling of their components (after the dismantling, more than 90% of mattress components are recovered for reuse).

The company was founded in 2010 in response to the lack of alternatives to keep used mattresses out of landfills. Recyc-Matelas Europe’s business is focused in three main areas:  dismantling of mattresses and the separation of their components; recovery and sale of recyclable materials for reuse in various industries; combustion or methanization of non-recyclable waste materials to produce energy.

Recyc-Matelas Europe has also been accredited as a work integration social enterprise since 2013, thus helping the long-term unemployed get back to work. The company currently operates four processing sites in France and one in Belgium.

Our approach

Weinberg Capital Partners added an area of expertise in impact investing to support successful companies with strong growth potential that are making a positive contribution in meeting environmental and/or social challenges. Recyc-Matelas Europe is fully in keeping with this commitment through its business activities in the dismantling of mattresses and the recycling of their components as well as its work integration policy. Given its solid leadership, the company is perfectly positioned to meet the growing needs already identified for its sector in the coming years.

Recyc-Matelas Europe offers solutions for issues that are central to current public policy priorities relating to the circular economy and professional integration. Through this investment, Weinberg Capital Partners’ objectives are to optimize the company’s environmental impact, to maintain the employability of its employees benefiting from work integration measures and to innovate by developing new solutions to turn waste into valuable resources and responsible products.

In 2023, as part of the support provided by Weinberg Capital Partners, Recyc-Matelas Europe completed the acquisition of Ecomatelas, a leading manufacturer of reconditioned bedding made in France.

With this acquisition, Recyc-Matelas Europe becomes a fully integrated player in the circular economy, developing new solutions as an alternative to the end-of-life of mattresses. The company aims to deploy an offering of eco-friendly bedding that is accessible and of high quality to a wider audience.

The acquisition of Ecomatelas illustrates Weinberg Capital Partners’ Impact expertise strategy of actively supporting its investments towards greater sustainability.

Key   figures

“More than 10 years ago, we were among those recognizing the need to produce and consume differently, in a more responsible way. At least four million mattresses are discarded every year, representing between 80,000 and 90,000 tonnes of resources. On average, mattresses take more than 100 years to decompose. Our objective is to continue to develop solutions offering a second life for mattress components, while also pursuing an active work integration policy at our various sites. Much remains to be done in our sector, but I am very pleased that our company is now being supported by Weinberg Capital Partners, a partner who shares our vision and our values, as we continue our efforts.”
Jérémy Settbon – Co-Founder and President of Recyc-Matelas Europe

Making a difference

Recyc-Matelas Europe is helping to promote the circular economy by dismantling mattresses and recycling their components, a business activity in keeping with current public policy priorities, while also working to reduce social inequality by offering its employees solutions for training and to facilitate their integration or reintegration into employment.

In terms of its non-financial objectives, Recyc-Matelas Europe aims to:

  • monitor, optimize and report on the environmental impact of its business activities;
  • help all its employees reach their full potential and find their way through meaningful jobs;
  • continuously innovate by developing new solutions to turn waste into valuable resources and responsible products.